Gaming articles

Breaking The Sims 4 in ten hours

Having played a lot of The Sims as a child, I was interested to see The Sims 4 on offer for just a few pounds in the recent Steam sale. It was obvious that this was a way to get players hooked and sell more expansions, but I thought it...

Easy retro gaming with Retropie

Anyone who reads this blog will know that I like to play some emulated games from time to time - normally revisiting PlayStation 2 classics like PES 5 and Gran Turismo 3. But retro gaming on a PC has its downsides. You need to install an emulator for each console,...

PC Building Simulator review

This week I decided it was time to start tackling my backlog - all those games sitting on the virtual shelf waiting to be enjoyed. One of the most recent additions to the pile was PC Building Simulator, a 2018 release from The Irregular Corporation that promises edutainment as you...

Sid Meier's Memoir! review

A book I preordered six months ago finally landed on my doormat in October. Sid Meier’s Memoir!, the autobiography by the genuis game designer behind groundbreaking and much-loved strategy games like Civilization, turned out not only to have the title that fans of his games hoped it would, but also...

Gran Turismo 3 retrospective: Progression and reward

With Gran Turismo 7 on the horizon, I thought now seemed like a good time to revisit an earlier game in the series. The last entry I played at any length was Gran Turismo 3, the then-next-gen PS2 title that hit the shelves in 2001, so I fired up the...

eFootball 2022 is no match for PES

eFootball 2022 rang alarm bells as soon as it was announced. Gone was Pro Evolution Soccer, the stalwart of slower, more considered football gaming. In its place we were to be given a free-to-play, cross-platform title in the form of eFootball. The change, the skeptics warned, was a downgrade designed...

Transport Fever 2 review

Let’s face the facts: Transport Fever 2 is a lot like Transport Tycoon. You’re dropped into a map dotted with small towns, resources, and factories and tasked with building the road, rail, sea, and air infrastructure that connects them to help the world’s economy to develop. With the same scenario...

Transport Fever 2: What Production, Shipment, and Transport really mean

In my Transport Fever 2 review I wrote about the how the game sometimes frustrates by leaving you guessing as to why a line isn’t working or a factory isn’t producing goods. Three key metrics - Production, Shipment, and Transport - are the root cause of many of these annoying...

Transport Fever 2: How to fix a broken shipping line

If you’ve read my review of Transport Fever 2, you’ll know that one of the most frustrating parts of the game is when there’s a problem but it doesn’t tell you what’s wrong or how to fix it. And none of these is more frustrating than when you find yourself...

Motorsport Manager review

I’m a little off the pace with Motorsport Manager. Playsport Games’ Formula 1 management game (it’s unlicensed and includes other series, but that’s basically what it is) was first released on mobile in 2014, before moving to PC in 2016. It frequently pops up in Steam sales and Humble Bundles,...